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Don't Just Pass By--Kendall

As she hides what she feels

Its like a dog nipping her heels

Itching to tell who will listen

You can see as her eyes glisten

The shiny surface will break as the tears fall down


More and more her heart aches

As she keeps her feelings bottled inside

As others pass she knows each and every smile she manages is fake

She starts to realize that its too hard to hide

She finds a "solution"


God cradles her now

Go on, you mean people you might as well take a bow

You never attempted

You just walked on and laughed

You watched her break more and more each day


The reason i wrote this was to tell people that killing yourself may seem like the answers to all your problems but its not!!! God loves you so much and He is always with you and if you need a solution then God is it!!! God will help you through your problems and He loves you so much and He is an awesome God who forgives and just don't turn your back on Him because He will always pull you out of your problems!!! God loves you even when it seems like nobody does and He always will!!!

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